Rick’s Righting: October 1, 2021

From the Pastor

God has chosen to sink deep roots into Creation. Without force or persuasion, the Lord is committed in love and presence to our world and each of us. The world, the universe, life itself, seems so fragile, yet God continues to hold it all together for the simple love of it all. I think of the North Texas prairie, with its grass, oaks, and wild flowers, each sinking its roots deep into the soil, drawing out essential elements of life, all the while, working jointly to hold the good earth together and give of itself to replenish the soil for generations to come. Each contributes what only it can, unique, beautiful, and important to God. And of course, we are part of it all, a seemingly tiny part of the work of God’s hands.

 I am reminded of Psalm 8, particularly verses 3-4:

3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?

Yet here we are. Beloved by God and part of the divine creation. Even more, each of us is known personally and have a unique relationship with each other and our Lord, through Jesus Christ. Like the prairie, our roots are woven together in creation, designed to drink deeply of the love and presence of God. Rooted in Christ, we are each given a gift to work with our Lord to hold the goodness together for ourselves and generations to come. We are bound together by the roots we sink into the love of God in Christ Jesus!

Join us, this Sunday as we will sing, pray and read from the book of Hebrews as we consider our part in the love of God for ourselves and one another.

May the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you! 

Pastor Rick