Worship at First Methodist Bridgeport
Jesus answered, “It is written — Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.”
– Luke 4:8
Sunday Worship Times
9:00 am: Sunday School
10:00 am: Fellowship
10:30 am: Worship Service
Our acolytes have an important role in the worship service. They carry in the light of Christ, reminding us that Christ is present with us as we worship. When our worship is done in the sanctuary, they carry the light out, reminding us that we too are to carry Christ’s light into the world. If your child is interested, contact Randee Hawkins or call the church office 940-683-2780 for more information.
We have a great nursery available every Sunday morning for children until their 4th birthday. Feel free to visit our nursery and meet our nursery staff for more information.
If you would like to volunteer in our nursery, contact Randee Hawkins.
Sermons Online
Every Sunday worship services are recorded and the sermon portion of the service will be provided for you to listen to online. Click on the button below if you have missed a worship service or simply need to hear the message again.