Church Directory

phone directory

The office has updated our “printed copy” of the Church Directory with new staff and job descriptions, added some missions, and some new church families. For those who already have a printed copy of the directory, please take the paper-clipped packet and substitute the pages. For those who never had a paper copy, complete folders are also available. They can be found in the foyer on the table.

Remember that you always have an updated version of the directory by utilizing the online version at Breeze. There are several advantages to using the online version such as keeping track of your giving. Giving is updated in Breeze by the Tuesday following each Sunday. If you give online using Breeze it automatically and instantly adds to your statement. You can update your profile picture. The events calendar is there and you can email people or groups of people directly from the Breeze platform. It is very user-friendly! If you have not received an invite, let the office know!