Rick’s Writing: September 22, 2023

notes on the Bible

Does God understand how human economics works? When I read about Jesus’ parable of the workers in the vineyard and the landowner’s method of paying them, my sense of fairness is offended. I’m brought up a little short on how the landowner pays the same wage for one hour of work as he does for a full day of work. I can imagine the following year everyone showing up to work at the last hour of the day. Why not? We work for the wage to feed and take care of ourselves and our families.

But then I remembered the story started with “the kingdom of heaven is like.” Does this render the parable useless for our time here and now? No. The kingdom of heaven is the here and now and anywhere else we walk with Christ in our hearts. When we let the Holy Spirit move within us we are also moved within our world to see things more like the “landowner” in the story.

Think of this: The kingdom of heaven is like committed people who sort and bag groceries to be given away at our church. They all get the same wage. The kingdom of heaven is like those who spend hours sorting and giving out fresh food at the Pantry Express. The wage is the same. The kingdom of Heaven is like those who give financially to make sure we have extra food to give, for the need is great and the return on their investment is all the same. It is like those who give to the church of time and money to ensure we all have a place to worship and give thanks.

We all have our way of responding to the Holy Spirit within us and when we do, we are all paid the same wonderful wage, which is to participate in what God is doing for us and in us. Keep an ear open for God’s voice. You don’t want to miss the invitation to work in the vineyard.

We will look closer at this strange but powerful parable during our Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. in our sanctuary and on Facebook Live.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Pastor Rick