Rick’s Writing: September 16, 2023

notes on the Bible

After the drought and intense heat, the gentle rains of late have brought forth a burst of life, growth, and colors from the garden. It reminds me of how God’s creation appears to work like magic as each day the earth and its people are rejuvenated by the grace of God. The seeds of new life are planted in the earth and in our hearts. While nature follows its own commands from God, humanity has also been given commands for our rebirth and flourishing. Some of these commands are easier than others to follow. How are you with forgiveness? 

In the driest times, when the heat beats down on us, we seek shade from even the thinning leaves of the parched trees. When our world seems to have turned against us, life looks and feels dried up.

Yet there is an innate seed of survival within us, one that desires more than existence, but to flourish in all of life’s colors and worth. A seed of sacred worth and new life, one that sprouts from the love of God within us. Jesus Christ is this living water that brings the new plant from the seed and reinvigorates the dried and parched souls of the earth. 

The two great commandments of God that Jesus pointed to as the summation of all commands are “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets” Matthew 22: 34-40.

I wonder if it is possible to love in such a way and not forgive. When life and even God disappoint us in painful ways, we can find ourselves holding on to a grudge that leaves no room for the love that heals and brings the water of eternal living. People can and do harm us. They can impact our lives and change the plans and dreams we have made. It is hard to release the hurt and forgive. We find ourselves in that life-draining drought of anger and resentment. Often, the person we need to forgive is ourselves. For the sake of our own life and the world around us, we are given the command to lay down the hurt that dries our souls. It is not about forgetting, or allowing abuse to continue, but about freeing ourselves and the world, so that we may live fully. It is about God-given grace, and allowing God to work through our past to give us life. 

Join us for our Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m. and on Facebook Live as we engage the difficulty and joy of forgiveness.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Pastor Rick