Rick’s Writing: October 7, 2023

notes on the Bible

Psalm 19 is like a great big celebration of creation for the Creator. All the big actors show up, the heavens and all the stars, the earth and all the land, even the sun. It’s the party nothing or no one wants to miss. And it happens every day as all parts join together and give thanks for the endless joy of simply being part of what God has made.

If you consider how big the universe is, at least the part we know, then the psalm is writing about a very big celebration! Now, not every creation shows up to the party. Oddly enough, it’s people who are missing. Oh, we show up from time to time, maybe we’re fashionably late, but enough to be seen.

I wonder why the pinnacle of God’s creation, the one that would be expected to be the most grateful and gracious, is not noted in the party list of Psalm 19? I’m sure there are a lot of reasons. Maybe we don’t value our human existence as much as the rest of creation values who or what they are. Maybe this is why so many people suffer. We don’t value one another; thus, we don’t celebrate the One Creator of all things.

Regardless of why, our generous creator has given us tools to help us realize that our life and that of others are sacred and we have plenty to be grateful for and to celebrate. This is not to say that grief and illness won’t steal the heart out of what we have found to be good and joyful. I would never downplay depression, hunger, greed, or war. However, if we truly valued the life within us and others, and maybe if we celebrated God-like creation in the psalm, humanity would be better at caring about and caring for one another.

Fortunately, Psalm 19 does guide us through this human challenge. It is what is often referred to as the Law. Commands from the Old Testament with all their do’s and don’ts. Of course, we don’t like anybody telling us what we should do or not do in life. Maybe we are missing the point. Could ten simple commands be the answer to so much personal and worldwide suffering?

Jesus even simplified it for us. Love the Lord your God…and your neighbor as yourself. What if we made God the firm foundation of our life? After all, God and God’s love is the only thing that cannot be taken from you. It sounds simple, but there is a lot to think about.

Join us on Sunday at our 10:30 a.m. worship as we celebrate Christ our Lord and consider what is our foundation in this life. You can also find us on Facebook Live and Our YouTube Channel!

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Pastor Rick