Rick’s Writing: November 11, 2023

notes on the Bible

Letting the light go out. I don’t remember how many movies I’ve seen where some person is in the dark and being chased or stalked by someone or something. They might have a candle, a flashlight, or just a match, but at least they can see — for now. Then something happens and the candle or match burns out or the flashlight runs out of batteries and everything goes dark. That’s when it gets really tense — about the time I decide I need to get up and get a snack.

We know there is a lot of darkness in this world. We also know there is a light that cannot be extinguished. The darkness tried to overcome the light by crucifying Jesus, but God said no! Jesus the light is the resurrection, the truth that illumines the world. When Jesus is close, when the Holy Spirit is in us, we reflect the light of God’s presence and the kingdom of heaven is around us and in us. But in our self-indulged world, it can be hard to remember. It can be hard to remember what God has given to us, put within us, and expects us to share. The light of Christ is a gift and we are expected to share this light for others to see what we have seen, and know what we have come to know.

In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus told many teaching stories about the kingdom of heaven. One of them is known as the 10 bridesmaids or 10 virgins. In this story, the maids have an important job, which is to light the way for the groom as he goes to the wedding feast. For the whole story, read Matthew 25:1-13. Now, five of the maids are wise and bring extra oil to keep their lamps lit. Unfortunately, five don’t bring enough and let their light go out. The story seems cut and dry. Wise maids are those lighting the way for the groom, who is Jesus, and the foolish maids are the ones who let their light go out, letting down Jesus. The foolish ones are the religious leaders of the time. We could read this and think that means we, 21st century Christians are in the clear. Then again, maybe we’re not. The Gospel has a way of reaching and teaching across time to touch all of us, in all generations.

As with all of Jesus’s teachings, this is relevant for each of us today. From the leaders of the worldwide church to the individual Christians, in God’s kingdom, we are no more than maidens invited to be part of the great redemption of the world. All of us have lamps to light to show the world that the darkness cannot and will not win. We are not the light, but we are expected to share the light given to each of us. Sometimes we are the wise maiden, lighting the way. Sometimes we are the foolish ones letting our light go out, content in the belief that we have given enough light through our lamp — that is, our heart. And sometimes we cease to give out God’s light because life seems to have snuffed out our light. All of this is worth considering as we think about this important teaching. Let’s not let the light in our lamps go out! It gets dark if we do! Join us Sunday as we look at this story and closer into our own hearts.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Pastor Rick