Rick’s Writing: January 19, 2024

notes on the Bible

Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the good news of God and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near;[c] repent, and believe in the good news.” Mark 1:14-15 NRSVUE

One minute at a time, we love God and learn to love the Lord even more. From moment to moment, the Holy Spirit is changing us and the world. Sometimes we can see it or even feel a difference within. Other times, we look back and simply know God was at work in our lives, the lives of people around us, or in the whole of the world. The change God is bringing in Jesus is the hope of humanity and this change comes in the middle of the good and the bad.

In Jesus Christ, the change is in a relationship with God and one another. Everyone needs the change Jesus brings, but it is not something everyone wants. It is not forced but is to be greatly desired. It is subtle and it can be obvious. It can be a quick about-face in our life or a slow-evolving rebirth. But it is always a change towards life and love.

Some people sell Jesus as the key to a prosperous and perfect life. But like any loving relationship, it is not based on perfection and prosperity. The people I’m closest to are the ones I’ve shared tears with as well as laughter. So, not every minute of our relationship with Jesus is spent in easy times of celebration. Our love for God and, more importantly, God’s love for us is not dependent on the shifting winds of our moods or circumstances.

Our relationship with our Creator is stronger than many of us think. Even during the dark stormy days of life that leave us empty, afraid, or angry, Jesus is here for us. Though admittedly, I prefer what we may call “the good times.” And it does seem like I am more likely to say “I am blessed” when things are going my way. But it is often in our human nature that we grow closer to God in the storm. Maybe it is when we come face to face with obstacles too big for us that we open ourselves up to the love of God. Maybe it is in the storms and dark nights that friends and loved ones are more open to hearing the Good News. The Good News we all need to hear or be reminded of is that God has come to us and for us in Jesus. He has not come for our destruction but for our redemption. Not to tear us down but build us up. To burn away our inclination towards evil. And fill us with the essence of life, the love of God.

In the classic novel, A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens opens the story with “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus starts his ministry in what can only be the worst of times. His cousin John, a prophet of God, has been murdered by the powers of this world. It foreshadows what will later happen to Jesus himself at the hands of the Roman Empire. Yet, it was the best of times. For this is when Jesus comes to us. Even when his heart is broken he brings the change that will save the world, one soul at a time.

Yes, evil still moves among us. But with the presence and example of Jesus Christ, we can resist the hate, greed, and violence of the world. Now we can recognize it within us and refuse its lies. Now we can stand against it and know we do not fight alone but stand with the love of God. Wherever Jesus is, the kingdom of God is near, and he brings the healing love of God to you and me.

Change is coming, change is here, for God is making all things new and Jesus is calling each of us to join him.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Pastor Rick