Rick’s Writing: January 13, 2024

notes on the Bible

I guess there have been many ages of discovery. Times when a civilization expanded beyond its own borders to discover new lands and people. For the West, the Age of Discovery lasted from around the 15th to the 17th century. I assume each discovery was important to the people involved and some are still important today. I would like to offer up one of my favorite discoveries in human history. It has captured the hearts and minds of people for over two thousand years.

In the Gospel of Matthew, we read about a group of Maji or Wise Men from a pagan country east of Judea. These men made the arduous journey to follow a star, possibly taking them 2 to 3 years. It all started with the sighting of a peculiar star, a light in the heavens. Why they followed this light we can only guess. They were not Jewish and the star led them to the Jewish Messiah. So why did they bother? I think this is where they earn the title “Wise Men.” They were wise because they were always searching for understanding about the world they lived in. They were open to new ideas, even those that came from unlikely places, such as the tiny Roma-occupied country of Judea. They were wise because they saw a light others ignored, and they took a great risk on the light. It is thought they collected writings from other cultures and studied them. If so, they may have read where a Messiah was to be born to deliver the people of Israel. The Messiah was part of the Covenant made by God for the salvation of the world. We know from the Gospel of Matthew that Wise Men were able to deduce the star was pointing the way to a new king of Judah. So they followed the light.

The Wise Men were the first people outside of Judea to recognize the presence of God in this child. Their reaction was to fall on their knees in worship and offer extraordinary gifts to him and his peasant parents. Simply, they saw the light of Christ and followed.

In honor of this event, the early church gave it the name of Epiphany and made a holiday season around this journey and joyful discovery. It may be surprising to Christians today, but Epiphany was the most celebrated time in the early Christian calendar. The time of Epiphany lasts until Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.

The discovery of Jesus Christ by anyone outside of Judaism was a remarkable and history-changing event. We don’t know what happened to the Wise Men, but I believe their lives were changed forever. If anyone opens themselves up to follow the light of Christ, see and accept he is God’s son, they will never be the same. These men represent the astonishing conversion of millions of people around the world and throughout the age. This is why I consider the story of the Wise Men to be about the true age of discovery. In one brief narrative, Matthew tells us God’s grace has reached beyond Israel and into the world. By this child, the world will discover the love and grace of the God of Israel. Almighty God. When we make this discovery, we find the gods of our life are nothing but pretenders. This Age of Discovery started with the birth of Jesus and will continue non-stop until history is closed by God. This Age of Discovery is for the benefit of everyone, all people in all places. May we all see and follow the light of Christ, encounter him, and be changed in our hearts and ways forever.

Our baptism is the mark we wear on our soul that proclaims Jesus as our Messiah, the source of our life and salvation. We accept the covenant Jesus made with us, to be our Lord and salvation. Our response is to proclaim him to the world and follow in his way of life.

While I don’t believe we can forget Jesus once we have met and accepted him, we can forget we wear his mark on our hearts by baptism, and that we accept the covenant to be his people. Therefore, during this Sunday’s service, we will include a time to remember we are baptized and recite together the Wesley Covenant prayer. We will encounter Jesus by the light of his Star, the water of our baptism, and the promise we have made to follow. Join us and let us discover anew the power of life lived in Christ Jesus.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Pastor Rick