Rick’s Writing: August 19, 2023

notes on the Bible

A lot of us are looking for ways to live lives pleasing to God. If you believe in one creating God, it makes sense that you would want to have some kind of relationship with your Maker. Of course, this assumes a relationship with Almighty God is even offered. It’s not like we can force the Creator into something the Lord does not want. Fortunately, from scripture, we read of an active God who from the beginning has been concerned with life within creation. From the start, the Lord has sought to have a close and loving relationship with humanity. Through Abraham and Sarah, God created a people to know, trust, and believe in His presence. They would become Israel and much of what we know of our Creator has come from their testament and teachings. When the time was right, God joined with humanity in a child born of the people of Israel. God joined with us in Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine. In the acts, teachings, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, humanity has been blessed with eternal life that is immersed in a personal relationship with God.

But God’s ways are not always our ways. We need a life tied close to our Lord. In the mystery of God’s grace, Jesus has provided a way to live and grow in our connection with God. Even so, we still seem to have a difficult time making our relationship with God a real and important part of our everyday life.

Our religious traditions are taught and passed down to help each generation in their walk with Christ our Lord. Prayer and worship are traditions that bring us into direct connection with God and one another. The Sacraments remind us of our Lord and the grace that has been offered. In the mystery of God, the Lord’s supper feeds our soul as we join with others to feast at Christ’s table.

There are many traditions that are helpful and can be an important part of our relationship with God. But sometimes, they can get in the way and become a barrier to us or others. Instead of helping us in our desire to be close to the Lord, a tradition followed without the love of God can foster separation. Jesus called out some of the traditions in his time that separated people and God. Often, it’s not the tradition that harms, but the way in which it is misused. Take a look at Matthew 15:10-20 for an example.

The most important part of any personal connection is that it comes from the heart. It is with our hearts and our souls that the Lord seeks the most intimate relationship.

Join us this Sunday as we look at Matthew 15:10-20 and see what role traditions play in our lives.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Pastor Rick