Rick’s Righting: May 7, 2021

From the Pastor

The things we say, or wish we had said, or said and wish we had not. There are those times when we remember an argument and think of a witty comeback that we wish we had made. Other times, we think about words we have said and wish we could take them back, but of course we cannot. From chapter 3 of the Book of James, we read about how destructive our words can be; “How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire! And the tongue is a fire.” I think we have all said some things that we wish we had not and regretted. Hopefully, we are given the opportunity to make amends. What often haunts us is the hollow or even angry goodbye. We don’t want the last things you say to be regretted, words of anger, words to create bad memories for others or ourselves. Then there are the good words we shared or wish we had.

There are times I regret having missed the opportunity to speak words of wisdom, concern, or simple affection. One thing I have never regretted is an honest word of kindness or guidance when I believe it is needed and hopefully desired. We simply do not know when it may be the last time we speak.

To be human is to be in relationship with others and with God, for better or worse. It is often the words as well as deeds we leave behind that make a difference in our relationships. In the Gospel of John, we read about Jesus’ last words of advice to his closest disciples, and to us here at First United Methodist Church of Bridgeport. 

Join us Sunday as we consider another life-giving teaching of Jesus. If you want to read ahead look at John 15:9-17.

May the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Pastor Rick