Rick’s Righting: May 28, 2021

From the Pastor

This is Memorial Day weekend. It is a time to gather with family and friends. It is a time to travel, eat, laugh and enjoy each other. Most of all it is  a time to stop and think about what has been lost. Memorial Day is rooted in the need of a people to remember the men and women of our nation who have died while serving our country. Some of those who lost their lives agreed with the official policy of our national leaders, some did not. All died serving the same nation, never minding the politics. While many of us love our nation, and many have given much to this country, it is the fallen service members who have given the most, their all. It is good to take the time out of our celebrations to remember what has been lost and pray for the peace that so often eludes the human race. 

This Sunday, we will take a day, to remember another sacrifice, another loss. This is the celebration of the gift of the Holy Trinity, the author, redeemer, and sustaining of life. As a people it is good to stop and consider what has been lost and how much we have gained.

Join us Sunday for worship and celebration in our sanctuary at 8:45 and 11 as well as Facebook Live at 11:00.

May you be safe in all your celebrations this weekend and may the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with You!

Pastor Rick