Rick’s Righting: May 21, 2021

From the Pastor

Something new. It’s spring, a time when the earth seems to change daily. There is a freshness about the transformation and growth of creation in the springtime. As a people we experience the change and growth of ourselves and those around us. High School seniors graduate, a lot of weddings are celebrated and life itself takes on a different rhythm from winter.

Pentecost is like all of that and more. The universal Church of Jesus Christ received a great change on that day recorded in the book of Acts. The Holy Spirit, the power of God, came to the little band of Jesus followers, empowered them and everything in creation changed. The same Spirit is working in the universal church today. The question is, are we open to what God is doing today and where the Lord is leading the church? Pentecost was something entirely new, and so is today. May the Spirit lead and may we follow. Sunday we will celebrate our High School seniors along with the birth and continuous change of the church. God is on the move, are we?

May the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Pastor Rick