Rick’s Righting: May 14, 2021

From the Pastor

Ascension Sunday, the time when the church traditionally celebrates the risen Christs return to heaven. It is also a time of change for the disciples and the infant church. A time of both celebration and work. A time of something new about to happen and grow. For the church of Jesus Christ, it was spring.

The past year has felt like a long winter. The COVID-19 virus and everything that has gone along with the pandemic has laid a cold and heavy weight on our shoulders. Some unfortunate countries like India are still suffering terribly and remind us that humans will never be completely clear of this or other disease. Let us continue to keep the health and welfare of the people of our world in prayer.

However, as we say, “Spring is in the air” and we have been blessed to enjoy refreshing rain and cool sunny days. It is truly a time of growth of life on our beautiful planet. The yearly rebirth of Spring feels like God wakening us up as a people to join with nature in the celebration of life.

Over this past year, our church has been fortunate. Since June, we have been able to worship together in the sanctuary as well as on Facebook Live. It feels good to be together as we worship our Lord creator and savior. Even so, many of us have gotten out of the habit of gathering to share our lives, joys, concerns, and most of all, the joy of worshiping God with others. It seems kind of strange that we find ourselves having to re-develop those healthy habits of coming back together in worship. Jesus called us to be active together in sharing the love and goodness of Jesus Christ. We are fortunate to be able to do so.

Join this Sunday as we look at some of the expectations Jesus has for his church as we celebrate Jesus Christ.

Pastor Rick