Rick’s Righting: March 26, 2021

From the Pastor

Easter is coming! It seems like it has been such a long time since we celebrated the gift of Easter, the Resurrection, and renewal of life. It is fitting that the Easter celebration is coming at a time when we are seeing the growing light of the end of the tunnel that is COVID-19. No, it’s not over yet. We need to be vigilant and determined to cleanse our nation and the world of this scourge. So let us safely celebrate this Easter as we give thanks to God for life in Jesus Christ as we move forward to embracing the renewal of our social norms and fellowship. As we are excited for the future, I think it is good to remember we all have a different level of comfort and health care needs as we move forward. For the time being, we continue to encourage the wearing of masks and social distancing. The discretion is yours and will be different within our congregation

Because of God’s love for us we have found renewal in the life and resurrection of Jesus. New life often emerges from experiencing hardship, loss, and even grief. This Easter, we will celebrate with Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday Services and for Easter Day, a Sunrise Service at the Bridgeport Methodist Camp, a Flowering of the Cross service at 10:00 a.m. and Easter Service celebration at 11:00 a.m.  

Keep an eye out for more information to come as we celebrate our future together with our Lord and church family.

Pastor Rick