Rick’s Righting: June 18, 2021

From the Pastor

We are all amazed and humbled by what Jesus was willing to do for each of us, for all of the world. Often our first thoughts go to the cross, certainly the greatest and most significant of sacrifices made by God, expressed by the crucifixion of Jesus. But there were other sacrifices made by Jesus during his ministry of teaching and healing. And just as the gift of eternal life has been passed down to the Church, so have the ministries. As I read through the Gospel, I sometimes ask myself if Jesus thought, “are they worth it?” Are we worth it?

This week, we will look at the Gospel of Mark 4:35-41. This is the story of Jesus calming the storm at sea. When we consider what led up to the journey across the sea, the arguments, the accusations, rejections, and anger, often in response to the healings Jesus performed, did the question ever cross his mind, “are they worth it?” We may ask ourselves if the ministries of the church are worth it. Jesus calmed an actual storm at sea, but did he calm the storm that raged around his personal life and ministry?

Join us this Sunday as we ask “Jesus, was it worth it?” What does this question matter to the people who claim his name, the name Christian?

May the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Pastor Rick