Rick’s Righting: April 9, 2021

From the Pastor

After Easter, Now What?

It was good to share Easter together. A year before we didn’t have the opportunity to come together and celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord. But this year we did and O what a feeling of joy. In true Resurrection fashion, even as we continue to work through the difficulties and challenges of this world, God is making all things new Revelation 21:5?

Because the work of God is active in every generation, including our own, it can sometimes be difficult to see. Like Mary searching for Jesus, not recognizing him in the early morning light, we may miss the presence of God in the life around us. Sometimes, we need only to open our hearts and minds to let the Holy Spirit show us the new things that God is doing.

Easter has come. Now what? Like the disciples gathered in the Upper Room with the door closed and locked we wonder, now what? Let’s take a step back and look for the opportunities Jesus has made. What can you think of that represents newness of life for you? The return to the sanctuary, the choir, the people, our new friends who have joined with our worship in the sanctuary and on Facebook are but a sample of what Jesus is doing in us and around us.

Join with us Sunday and let us look together at the new creation Jesus Christ is bring about.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Pastor Rick