October 2013: Children’s Wednesday Night Program Faith Leapers Update

FUMC Bridgeport Faith LeapersFaith Leapers is our Wednesday night kids program for ages K- 5, held each week from 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Why Faith Leapers? Well, our curriculum is Grow, Proclaim, and Serve where the rain forest frog leaps through the bible and on our way the town of Leapers Pointe introduces the lessons and relates our lives with the stories in our lesson.

We start out by running off our energy outside then moving to the back kitchen for snacks and drinks. After that, we watch a short video of Leapers Pointe as an introduction to our lesson. We continue the fun in our classroom by doing crafts, role playing, cooking, games, and lessons. It’s a ton of fun and the children seem to really enjoy the variety of activities.