Habitat Project Update from January 18, 2014

A big THANK YOU to the following folks who gave up a big part of their Saturday to help with Habitat house in Decatur on January 18, 2014.

Embry & Marti Hines
Gaylord & Brenda Kennedy
Rick & Vonne Walton
Keith & Carolyn McComis
Gary & Pam Worlow
Chip Wood
Denise Bailey

Also, a huge THANKS to the following who provided the lunch to the entire team of 25 that day:

Billy & Leanna Brewer for the big pot of chili, chips and crackers
Betty Tackel & Lillian Farmer for the sandwiches
Ray & Letha Tebbets for the cookies and tea

Habitat for Humanity

We had a beautiful day to work and accomplished more than the Habitat leaders expected for the day. The team put of roof trusses, finished doing the Tyvek wrap, put up the “dead wood’ to prepare sheet rock, caulked, worked on facia framing and lots of other miscellaneous items. We even finished early, with everyone on the way home by 2:30.