December 23, 2015: Update on David Rucker

David RuckerMerry Christmas, everyone! I’m praying that you and your families are truly basking in the joy and peace that Christ gives us during this celebration of his birth. May your new year be better than the past year!

I’m way overdue for a health report to those of you who have so faithfully prayed, called, and/or sent cards. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! It does truly make a difference.

Generally, I am improving. I’ve had three places where lesions have been persistent. A very small place on my left wrist and a rather large place above my left elbow have been coming and going with some regularity. They do respond to the topical meds and stay gone for a while before re-emerging. However, the one on my right cheek has not gone away for six months or so. It had been there several months when I saw the doctor in August. Then it started to get larger and brighter red. I went back to the doctor on November 11, 2015, and she took a biopsy and suggested possible radiation. The biopsy confirmed that it was the same CTCL (Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma). I did five days of radiation the week before Thanksgiving. As you may remember, I respond rather slowly to radiation, so I go back for a follow up on December 31, 2015. It has been getting lighter with occasional days of bright red. It is not getting any smaller. We’ll see what it looks like in another ten days.

My energy level has improved and I’m grateful for that. I’m leading the 11:00 p.m. service on December 24, 2015, at Cornerstone UMC, and looking forward to doing some work next year.

Thanks again for all your prayers. I had to rebuild my list, and I lost some addresses when I changed phones, so if you see someone missing who would be interested, please forward them this email.

Yours in Christ,
David Rucker

13014 Bainbridge Trail
Houston, TX 77065

[email protected]