A Word from Rick: July 15, 2022

notes on the Bible
Rick Davis

Do you remember the stories from the ancient days of the Great Colossus? It was a statue of the Greek sun god, about the size of the Statue of Liberty, and it straddled the entrance into the harbor of a Greek city port. To enter the port, ships had to sail under the statue. Talk about making a person feel small! It was considered one of the great wonders of the ancient world. Then the Earth yawned — think earthquake — and the great statue tumbled into the sea. So much for human endeavors making us feel small.

Have you seen the images that have come in from the new Webb Telescope? They are truly magnificent, inspiring, and maybe somewhat disturbing. When I first looked at the beautiful images of literally countless galaxies, I was both in awe and disturbed at how small and seemingly insignificant I must be in the great scheme of God’s creation.

Colossians chapter 1 reminded me that the fullness of God is in Christ Jesus and that everything was created in him and through him. In the Gospel of Luke, this same Jesus told us that even though 5 sparrows are sold for a penny not one is forgotten in God’s sight and that even the hairs of your head are numbered. Such is your value to God.

So no matter how big of a colossus or anything else humanity builds or does, you are of great worth to the Lord, your God, your creator and redeemer.

Join us Sunday as we look deeper into the letter of Colossians, who Christ is, and who we are in the love and sight of God.

May the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Pastor Rick