A Word from Rick: February 4, 2022

notes on the Bible
Rick Davis

Into the Deep End?

There are plenty of shallow waters surrounding Christianity. The kind that makes it easy to dip in a foot without making a commitment or even finding out what the water is really like.

If we go into the deep end, it could be dangerous. Besides, the water may be cold or uncomfortable and the deep holds many mysteries. We like our religion warm, refreshing, and clear to the bottom with no mud and uncertainties. So, keep it clean, clear, tidy, and safe.

In Luke 5:4, Jesus tells Simon to take his boat out into the deep waters and let down his net for a catch. Even though Simon had fished all night in those waters and come up empty, he does as asked. With Jesus in the boat, the bounty of the catch is beyond imagination as a great variety and number of fish are hauled into the boat. By the end of the passage, we hear Jesus tell Simon and his friends to follow him and he will make them fishers for people.

By listening to Jesus and following his lead we will find ourselves in deep waters filled with mysteries that often surprise us and surround us with a great variety of people. This is the church, filled with deep waters, mystery and all kinds of people.

Let’s go out into the deep waters of Christ, let down our nets, and find the bounty God is offering us in Christ.

May the Peace and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Pastor Rick