A Word from Rick: April 8, 2022

notes on the Bible
Rick Davis

In the Beginning: Who Do You Cheer For?

It’s Palm Sunday! It’s the beginning of a time when we celebrate the coming of Easter and welcome Jesus along with the crowd in ancient Jerusalem. We wave palm branches and sing songs of celebration and worship. In a way, we could say we cheer for Jesus. But sometimes I wonder, am I cheering for Jesus or for myself? After all, Jesus brings his gift of life for everyone. It’s not all about me-our self-our friends-our family. To cheer for Jesus would be to accept his way of living. That would include his idea of the first are last, the saved are servants, we forgive as we are forgiven, and we seek to love everyone. I can’t help but think that Jesus is looking at the crowd and the rest of us, and wondering if we really will take his call for a new heart seriously or will we try and take his redemption and forget the changing of our hearts? A new life, born again in God’s love, which is intricately woven into the tapestry of our salvation? As we cheer for the remarkable, unearned gift of the resurrection, I have to ask myself: am I cheering for Jesus and his kingdom of heaven on earth, or am I cheering for myself and whatever I can get out of Jesus?

Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. It is the perfect time to give our souls a wellness check as we follow Jesus through his last week, from his last supper to the cross, and finally the tomb. All of which came before the Resurrection, before Easter.

Join us this Sunday, Holy Thursday, and Good Friday to prepare for the celebration of Easter and let our hearts be filled with the love of God.

May the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Pastor Rick