A Word from Rick: April 1, 2022

notes on the Bible
Rick Davis

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus goes from town-to-town teaching, proclaiming the good news of God’s kingdom, curing disease and illness. He looked at the crowds and saw how they were harassed, confused, helpless, with meaningless and aimless lives. They needed guidance, purpose and assurance of the love that God has for them.

More than “a higher power,” we all need to see and feel the presence of the love of God in Jesus Christ. The kingdom of Heaven is here and now, in the darkest valleys and the bright light of day, we are invited into the healing love of Christ’s salvation.

A world where the strong invade and the innocent are killed and must kill. A world where the winds twist out of the sky and homes and lives are gone. In a world where disease, accident, greed, and hunger take love out of our lives, we look for answers, for healing, second chances, and forgiveness. People ask, where can such repair be found, or is it even possible? The world, our neighbors, our friends, our family, need to know the love of God in Jesus Christ.

This Sunday, we will talk about our world and our need to share the Love of God in Christ.

May the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Pastor Rick