Notes from Pastor Rick: September 18, 2020


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Randee Hawkins will be concentrating on our Children’s program and will no longer work as an assistant to the office manager. Randee’s work in the office has been greatly appreciated and is already missed. However, her work with the children is where her gifts really shine. Next time you see Randee, make sure and thank her for the work she has done and continues to do for our church!

Annual Conference will be this weekend and available online. I believe you will enjoy watching the worship services and the work of the churches of the North Texas Conference. I am looking forward to seeing how they bring the worship experience to those watching at home. We may pick up some good ideas!

Our Charge Conference will be held Sunday, November 8, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. District Superintendent Todd Harris will preside over our Conference. It is exciting to have one in the church! Committees will have to meet and have reports in a week before the conference. A schedule will be arranged through the Administrative Council and committee chairs. Rev. Harris has shown a lot of interest in the local church and is looking forward to hearing what we have going on and our plans for 2021.

May God’s grace and peace be with you,
Pastor Rick