Rick’s Righting: July 17, 2020

From the Pastor

How might God help a people when many of them feel set upon by multiple challenges or troubles? It would appear our nature is to withdraw into smaller and smaller groups and blame and fear one another. We have certainly seen this in ourselves in 2020. Yet, this is not our destiny, but the opposite of what God has intended for us and enabled us to become.

It is possible that these are the days that we find out who we are, who we can be or better yet, who we are created to be. From Romans 12:12, we read “Do not be conformed to this present age, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” To be renewed is to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to become a living part of God’s will and wisdom in creation. It is an impressive invitation to say the least. It is part of our salvation as an individual and as a world of created beings. Prayer is an important part of this renewal. In prayer the Spirit works within us to grow in wisdom and strength of spirit. In consistent and humble prayer, we learn to release our burdens to God and see the possibilities of our life as living with and for Christ. We grow in thanksgiving, wisdom, and community.

Imagine, if the people of Jesus Christ joined in prayer, out of love for God, for the people God has created. 

May the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Pastor Rick