Rhome Churches
Looking for a church in Rhome, TX? All worship, education and other services provided at First Methodist Church Bridgeport are available to all residents of Rhome as well! Please join us for worship every Sunday and get involved in the great ways this church serves the Rhome Community! Many of our members live in Rhome and we are active in the Rhome community. We look forward to you joining our Church family!
Feel free to search and click on the links on this website to learn more about how our Church serves residents of Rhome, TX.
If you are a first-time visitor, please visit the Visitor Welcome Area! You may also want to visit other churches located in Rhome, TX:
Rhome, TX, is a city in Wise County, Texas, United States. The population was 1067 at the 2010 census. Rhome has a large 12-plaque war exhibit located at Veterans Memorial Park located in a residential area east of the downtown.